+374 77 26-24-20

Horseback riding to Ardvi Monastery

  • Odzun, Lori
  • From Yerevan 162 km
  • Mar - Nov

Horseback riding to Ardvi Monastery

Before the horseback riding, the participants will visit the wonderful Odzun Monastery. Then near Odzun village they will be met by an experienced guide and nice horses. The horseback riding will start from here and will reach the medieval Ardvi Monastery. Along with pleasant horse riding, participants will enjoy the beautiful views of Odzun fields and surrounding nature. The route will pass through the village of Ardvi. Then the participants will see the natural monument "Odzi port" (translated as "snake's navel"). Not far from the "Odzi port" is the Ardvi Monastery.
After visiting Ardvi Monastery and resting, the participants will return to Odzun village by a slightly different route.

Tea, coffee and sweets are waiting for the participants on the way. If desired, we can organize a picnic in nature. You can participate in the horseback riding as a group or as a team.

The duration of the route is 3-4 hours, and the total length is 13-15 km.

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