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Arch of Charents

  • Voghjaberd, Kotayk
  • From Yerevan 15 km
  • Google Maps
  • Jan - Dec

Arch of Charents

The monument Arch of Charents or Arch of Ararat is located at the beginning of Voghjaberd village, Kotayk region, on the Yerevan-Garni road. The monument is located on a hill, from where in clear weather a wonderful view of Mount Ararat opens.

One day, the famous Armenian architect Rafael Israelyan was passing through the Voghjaberd village, and his attention was attracted by this beautiful view. He stops and explores the area. After some time, the famous architect draws up the project of this unique monument. In 1957, the monument was built and named Arch of Ararat. The structure is located in such a way that Mount Ararat is visible from inside the arch.

The monument is an arched structure 5 meters high. It is built of basalt, but the inside of the arch is lined with orange tuff. Along the entire contour of the arch is carved a couplet from a poem by the great Armenian writer Yeghishe Charents. In honor of Yeghishe Charents, over time the monument became better known as Arch of Charents.

The Arch of Charents has become an integral part of the Garni-Geghard tourist destination and its first stop. Tourists definitely stop at this place and take pictures against the background of Mount Ararat.