+374 77 26-24-20

Nature watching tour in Armenia

  • Eco Tour
  • 8 days / 7 night
  • Apr - Sep


Wildlife observation in "Khosrov Forest" State Reserve

Animal watching in "Khosrov Forest" State Reserve / Bezoar goat, Caucasian brown bear
Bird watching in "Khosrov Forest" State Reserve / Bearded vulture, black vulture, tawny eagle, short-toed snake eagle, european nightjar


Animal and bird watching in semi-desert area surrounding Vedi town

Animal watching in semi-desert area surrounding Vedi town / Greek tortoise, Caucasian agama, Schneider's skink, blunt-nosed viper
Bird watching in semi-desert area surrounding Vedi town / Desert birds, bearded vulture, black vulture
Museum of Khosrov forest state reserve /


Bird watching in the area of artificial lakes of Armash village

Bird watching in the area of artificial lakes of Armash village / Around 50 species of birds can be found here: Eurasian spoonbill, glossy ibis, great cormorant, pygmy cormorant, duck species, white-tailed lapwing, stork
Animal watching in the area of artificial lakes of Armash village / Reed cat


Animal watching in Gnishik Gorge

Noravank Monastery / Noravank means "new monastery". 13th-century fantastic monastery complex is set on a hill surrounded by red rocks
Animal watching in Gnishik Gorge / Bezoar goat and Caucasian brown bear


Animal watching surrounding Hermon and Yeghegis villages

Animal watching surrounding Hermon village / Bezoar goat and Caucasian brown bear
Animal watching surrounding Yeghegis village / Bezoar goat and Caucasian brown bear


Bird watching in Sevan National Park

Bird watching by boat around Gull Island of Lake Sevan / Armenian gull, Great cormorant, Ruddy shelduck, etc.
Birdwatching on the shores of Lake Sevan / Armenian gull, Great cormorant, Ruddy shelduck, etc.
Museum of Sevan national park / The museum presents a diversified collection of flora and fauna from Sevan National Park, as well as a collection telling the history and way of life. The rich collection of birds is particularly striking. And the museum's decoration is considered to be the largest Sevan trout(Salmo ischchan) ever caught on Lake Sevan, weighing 16 kg, 95 cm long


Bird watching and animal watching in Dilijan National Park

Bird watching in Dilijan National Park / Medium, black and green woodpeckers, 3 species of flycatchers, species of tits
Breeding center for the Caucasian red deer / Breeding center for the Caucasian red deer in Dilijan National Park